Thursday, April 5, 2012


Let us open, by reading 1Cor. 11:23,24,25,26. Christ commanded his followers to observe the night of the Passover in a new way. Why? Heb.8:6,8,10 __This night; was the beginning of a New Covenant, between God himself, and the Israel of God.   On this same night, Jesus promised these followers, that they could inherit God’s Kingdom, along with Christ. At Luke 22:29 we read Jesus’ words, “and I bestow upon YOU, just as my Father has bestowed upon me, a kingdom”. Would this Kingdom be based, here on earth? No. At Matt.13:44 Jesus said, “The kingdom, of the heavens, is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid; and for the joy he has, he goes and sells what things he has, and buys that field.” __But you may rightly wonder….how can human beings inherit a kingdom in the heavens? At 1Cor. 15:50, it says that human flesh and blood cannot inherit this Kingdom. Therefore, according to logic…these inheritors of the kingdom cannot receive it, unless they are no longer corruptible flesh and blood. __The Bible explains the change these heirs must go through, in order to inherit the Kingdom…John 3:6,5,3 How can these ones be born again as spirits? Let’s find out_1Cor. 15:42,43,44,49,53. So according to verse 42, when these are resurrected, they are then born into spirit bodies. As Jesus said at John 3:5, they can then enter, the heavenly, Kingdom of God.
Romans 6:23. According to 23a, we do not deserve an immortal spirit body in heaven if we are sinners. Those who inherit the Kingdom with Christ, ARE sinners. How then, are they rightfully born again as spirits, and given rule in this Kingdom? 23b tells us, __that it is through Jesus Christ. Rev.5:9,10 tells us how. __“With your blood, you bought”. Heb.9:15,22 confirms this.  So now, from the Bible, we have seen that Jesus blood needed to be poured out, so that the sins of those who would inherit the Kingdom, would be washed clean. Why? that they could receive their birth into immortal spirit bodies; in order to reign in a heavenly Kingdom. __Let’s see what this has to do with tonight, and the emblems of bread and wine…Matt.26:26,27,28.__So the very emblems of bread and wine used by Christ, were symbols of Christ’s sacrifice. By means of it, the sins of the kingdom inheritors would be cleansed away. This righteous state, would enable them to receive their spirit bodies, so that they could rule in a heavenly Kingdom. We see this confirmed, at (Col.1:12,13,14).____Why would God do this for these kingdom inheritors? We read at John 1:14 that the Christ was God’s beloved Son! Why did God send him to suffer and die for these ones? We find out why, at John 3:16. The reason God sent Jesus to die? Love. But Jesus had free will. Why did HE decide to suffer and die? Let’s find out, at John 10:15;--John 15:13. Jesus DID give his life up for his friends…those that would reign in the Kingdom with him…as it says in John 15:16 (read)…these are the ones he chose. __But if we remember John 3:16, it said that the “world”, and “everyone exercising faith”, could be saved. Let’s see that at 1John 2:2. __This is a bigger group than just the Kingdom Inheritors! How does the saving of the ones Jesus chose, wind up saving “all those”, who “exercise faith”? How will everyone else, benefit?__Rom.8:18,19,20,21,22,23. So what is all Creation waiting for? How will the rest of God’s creation be saved from corruption, sin and death? __It says, that all creation is waiting, for the “sons of God” to be revealed…identified…uncovered…brought forth. Who are these sons of God? Gal.3:26,27,28,29 tells us. ___So the sons of God are the inheritors of the kingdom promises. Why is Creation waiting for them to come forth? What will happen once all these kings are ruling in God’s kingdom, with Christ?__Let’s turn to Dan.2:44. __Who sets up this Kingdom?...God. How long will it last? Forever. What will it do to all other rulership? Crush and put an end to them. Dan.7:27_____What kind of life will this Kingdom bring to all Creation? What does the Bible tell us about this?  Psalm 145:13,15,16,19,20; 37:4,9,10,11,29,34,371Cor. 2:9
Ahh…Now we see why Creation is waiting for these sons of God, to come forth in the Kingdom. __These kings and priests receive everlasting life first (Rev.20:5,6). By means of these, the Creation will join the Kingdom inheritors… receiving in time, forgiveness of their sins, and everlasting life in perfection. _______
So far we have seen that in order for God to send Jesus to the earth for us, it took love on God’s part. In order for Jesus to be willing to surrender his soul for the Kingdom Inheritors, it took love for them, on his part. What about those chosen inheritors? What does it take on their part? Mark 12:28,29,30,311Cor. 13:13; John 13:34,35; 15:17.____Yes, those who hope to rule in God’s Kingdom, must imitate God and Jesus. They must be loving…to their fellow Kingdom heirs…to their neighbor…and in imitation of Jehovah…to all Creation.
The first Emblem Jesus used on this night, was unleavened Bread (no yeast in it). Jesus had this kind of bread on hand, because it was the type of bread used for the Passover, that he and his disciples were celebrating that night. In speaking of using this bread for the Passover, we can read Exo.12:8,15. Being free of “leaven” is a symbol. We see this, at 1Cor. 5:6,7,8. By Jesus using this symbol for his body, his human life represents sincerity and Truth…free, of “badness” and “wickedness”, which puff up someone with pride; just as leaven, raises up the bread (John 6:35,51,58). When those chosen by Christ, eat this bread; we are guided to imitate Christ… in humility, holiness, self-sacrifice, and a sincere devotion to Truth. All that we teach, must come from God’s Word. John 17:17 says, “Sanctify them by means of the truth. Your Word, is Truth”.
PRAYER over Bread.   (help to imitate the example of Christ, as symbolized in this bread free of leaven. Help us too, to always walk according to the spirit as Jesus did, with the goal of fully pleasing you.)
Will those who have been chosen by Christ, please now partake of the bread.
The second Emblem Jesus used on this night, was simple pure wine. Why? Luke 22:20 Jesus used the wine as a symbol of his blood…which he would shed on behalf of those with him that night. We have learned that this was so that their sins might be atoned for…that they might receive a spirit resurrection. As Rev.14:3 says…these have been bought from the earth…paid for, by Christ’s own blood. Let’s see this, at Rev.5:9,10; and Rev.20:6,5. Now if there is a first resurrection, there is also a second. Remember 1John 2:2? There it said, “And he is a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins, yet not for ours only but also for the whole world’s”. From this we see that in time…all will benefit from the blood of Jesus Christ. First, those who will make up the Rulers of the Heavenly Kingdom….and then those who are welcomed into that Kingdom…to receive all it’s blessings. At that time, all Creation will be set free from enslavement to sin and death, and all the pain that goes with it. Let’s read about that, at Rev.21:1,2,3,4,5. _____Regarding the meaning of the wine, let us read the following scriptures: Rom.5:8,9,17; John 6:53,54,55,56,57; Titus 3:4,5,6,7
PRAYER over Wine.___ (gratitude that their love has washed us clean of sin, and paved the way for all Creation to receive abundant, joyful life; free of sorrow and pain. Please help us to imitate Jesus, in producing fine fruit to the praise of our Heavenly Father.)
Will those who have been chosen by Christ, please partake of the wine.                           Song #2.

(In addition to this talk by Pearl, another anointed brother also gave a talk, about the meaning of the timing of the Memorial, the obedience of Christ, and other excellent scriptural points of wisdom and encouragement. There were many of us who enjoyed the program. We hope that all of you will join us next year. All are welcome.)




  1. Sister P, it was so uplifting and encouraging to share in this experience/occasion with everyone there. Thank you so much. All praise and glory to YHWH.

  2. Christ does not chose. I thought you still believed in Jehovah?

  3. Eph.1:3,5,10 reads:
    (3) Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ (5) he predestined us for adoption to sonship *THROUGH JESUS CHRIST*, in accordance with his pleasure and will (10) to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment —to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth *UNDER CHRIST*.

    "But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHOM HE POURED OUT ON US ABUNDANTLY THROUGH JESUS CHRIST our Savior"

    John 15:16 reads:
    "You did not choose me, *BUT I CHOSE YOU* and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit —fruit that will last— and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you."
    Jesus does nothing without his Father's direction, true.
    John 5:30 reads:
    "By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me."
    Jesus is in total harmony with Jehovah and is Jehovah's channel in dealing with the anointed.
    1Tim.2:5 reads:
    "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus"
    Jehovah does not have direct dealings with unclean sinful mankind, but mediates through Christ. Those Chosen are done so by God, but the anointing comes through Christ, who chooses in harmony with his Father. You have over-simplified reality, and therefore are not grasping it.
    This co-choosing is embodied in the following two scriptures...
    "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them" John6:44
    "No one comes to the Father except through me." John14:6
    Jehovah "draws" to Christ.
    Christ leads to the Father.
    They are inseparable.
    "I and the Father are one.” John10:30
    My anointing experience was overpoweringly clear in detail. It was Christ...the Morning Star, who anointed my head with the "oil of exultation".
    Yet, he could do nothing without the Father.
    The spirit realm is not physical, and can not be understood by those without spiritual eyes.

  4. We enjoyed this talk as part of our 2018 family memorial observation.
